Angelina Jolie fans are celebrating as she steps out of her single status! Curious who the lucky person is? Find out all the juicy details about Jolie’s new romantic chapter!
Jolie’s fans rejoice, the beauty is no longer alone. Who managed to fall in love with one of the most beautiful women in the world, who is called “the successor to Marilyn Monroe”?
The handsome man is in no way inferior to Brad, and is also 12 years younger than the 60-year-old actor. Journalists published a photo of Jolie with her new boyfriend, August Diehl.

The German actor is remembered by many for his role as Woland in the film adaptation of the novel “The Master and Margarita.” “Cool couple”, “Diehl is somewhat reminiscent of Pitt”, “Very charismatic actor”
He’s played an SS assassin for Quentin Tarantino and shared a bed with Angelina Jolie in a spy thriller. While you might not know his name, you’re about to hear an awful lot more about August Diehl. In his first starring role at Cannes, the German actor has stepped into the role of a lifetime as anti-Nazi martyr Franz Jaegerstaetter in “A Hidden Life”, a World War II true-story adaptation by Hollywood legend Terrence Malick.
The notoriously reclusive Malick, who rarely gives interviews or shows his face on the red carpet, is expected to skip the Cannes limelight, leaving Diehl to play ambassador for the film.
“Well, finally,” “He will soon run away from her,” Internet users write under new photos of the couple.

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