Little Johnny shrugged and replied: “My teacher isn’t very good.” Johnny’s father was astonished by his excuse and urged him to expand. “Well, on Monday, my teacher said 3+5 = 8.”
“So?” his father replied.
The father’s “astonished” reaction to this explanation further underscores the significance of Johnny’s claim. His urging of Johnny to “expand” on this point suggests a willingness, however grudging, to at least consider the possibility that the teacher may bear some responsibility for the poor test performance. This openness to hearing Johnny out, even if temporarily, represents a glimmer of nuance in what could have been a straightforward disciplinary interaction.
“Then on Tuesday, she told us 4+4 = 8, and on Wednesday she said 6+2 = 8,” explained the child., “If she doesn’t know what equals eight, how am I supposed to know the right answer?”